
This project was developed as part of my M.A. (Joint Honours) in English Literature and History of Art at Glasgow University, Scotland. Using this format provided an alternative way of offering information to a straightforward dissertation.
If you have any comments about the content/ style/ relevance of this presentation, I would appreciate if you could fill in the short form below.
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Do you have any previous knowledge of Greek Art?

Yes: extensive knowledge
Yes:little knowledge
No:no knowledge of Greek Art.

Had you heard of the "Ludovisi and Boston Thrones" before accessing this presentation?

Yes:much information
No:never heard of the thrones.

Did you find this presentation informative about the "Thrones"?

Yes: very
No:not at all

A large part of the course concerns the presentation of information. Was the information given presented in a clear and informative way?

Yes: very well
Yes: fairly well
No: not at all

Do you have any further comments about the project? ie system design, ease of use, information departed etc.

Thank you very much for completing this form.

Page constructed and maintained by Melissa M.Terras
Date last modified: 18th April 1997.