1.From "Il Trono Ludovisi + Il Trono di Boston" Presspack for the Conference at the Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 12/9/96. Paolo Viti and G. Pugliese Caratelli, translated from the Italian.
2. M. Robertson, A History of Greek Art. Cambridge University Press, 1975.
3. Prof N. Herz, quoted from a private letter to Alfred Mansoor, 1995.
4. J.J.Herrmann, quoted from a private letter to Melissa M. Terras, 1997.
1. M. Robertson. A History of Greek Art. Cambridge University Press, 1975.
2. G.P.Carratelli. The Western Greeks; Classical Civilisation in the Western Mediterranean. Thames and Hudson, 1996.
3. Ridgway. The Severe Style in Greek Sculpture. Princeton University Press. 1970.
4. ed. Jane Turner. The Dictionary of Art. Macmillan Publishers, 1996.
5. A. Stewart. Greek Sculpture, An Exploration. Yale University Press, 1990.
6. S. Casson. The Technique of Early Greek Sculpture. Hacker Arts Books, N.Y. 1970.
7. A.G.Ward. 5th Century Sculpture. Open University Course A292, Greece 478-366 B.C. Open University Press, 1979.
8. Private letter from Prof N. Herz to Alfred Mansoor, ( Mansoora@aol.com)
9. E. Vermeule. Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry. University of California Press.
10. G. Becatti. The Art of Ancient Greece and Rome. Thames and Hudson.
11. H.B. Walters. The Art of the Greeks. Methuen and Co, 1906.
12. C. Vermeule. Greek Art - Prehistoric Through Perikles. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1982.
13. J. Boardman and E. la Rocca. Eros in Greece. John Murray, 1978.
14. D. Paquette. L'Instrument de Musique dans la Ceramique de la Grece Antique. Diffusion DeBoccard. 1984.
15. Bluemel. Greek Sculptors at Work. Phaidon, 1955.
16. Comstock and Vermeule. Sculpture In Stone; The Greek, Roman and Etruscan Collection of the MFA, Boston. MFA, 1976.
17. G. Richter The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks. Yale University Press, 1970.
18. Bulletin MFA no.66 (1978). Article by W.J.Young and B. Ashmole. MFA Boston.
19. M. Guarducci. Memorie Accademia Dei Lincei, 24, 506. 1980.
20. John Boardman. Greek Art World of Art, Thames and Hudson, 1964.
21. John Boardman. Greek Sculpture, the Archaic Period. World of Art, Thames and Hudson, 1993.
22. John Boardman. Greek Sculpture, the Classical Period. World of Art, Thames and Hudson, 1995.
23. T.H.Carpenter. Art and Myth in Ancient Greece. World of Art, Thames and Hudson,1994.
24. G. Richter. A Handbook of Greek Art. Phaidon,1969.
25. The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Volume 94, 1974. Article by C. Sourvinou-Inwood. Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies.
26. E. Speier. Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica. Volume 3. 1960.
27. P. Viti and G.P. Caratelli. "Il Trono Ludovisi + Il Trone di Boston." Presspack for conference held at the Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 12/9/96.
28.ed. E.Tripp. Classical Mythology. Collins Reference, 1988.
29. Bolletino d'Arte. No. 64, 1990.
30. Personal letter from J.J. Herrmann at the MFA, to Melissa M. Terras.
31. The Perseus Project. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu, 1996/ early 1997.
32.The Amarna Mansoor Collection. http://www.amarna.com/science.html
33. The Haifa Art Image Library. http://LIB.HAIFA.AC.IL/www/art/art_images.html
Works Consulted
See Also List of Unavailable Articles.
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