The Second Annual Cambridge Festival of Looping

saturday june 26th 2004
8pm-11pm (doors open 7:30pm)
£6 on the door (£5 concessions with ID)
at the michaelhouse cafe, trinity street, cambridge, england
A night of music by UK and international artists exploring the art and science 'looping'.
Based on live sampling, looping covers a wide range of techniques, with sound sources including instrumental, vocal and found sounds and looping techniques from traditional tape-delays to real-time digital processing. The resulting sound is live and constantly evolving, with many opportunities for improvisation and collaboration.
The Festival of Looping concept is a touring event featuring ever-changing lineups, and festivals of looping have previously been held in California and Sweden.
for more general information on looping, see loopers-delight.com
This year's event features:
bernhard wagner | http://nosuch.biz/bernhardart/ | (guitar) | |
tim bowness and peter chilvers | http://www.timbowness.com/ | (voice and keyboards) | |
andy butler | http://www.andybutler.com/ | (guitar) | |
economy of motion | http://www.honeyisfunny.com/eom/ | (guitars) | |
with: | kodachrome 40 | (film projections) |
all enquiries : please email info | @ | cambridge-loopfest.org.uk |
please download, print out and display this poster if you can. thanks!
stuff from the june 2003 event, including photos and audio files, can be found here: